Replica of the equalizer of NEVE 8108 consoles in API 500 format (compatible with 51X format)
The warmth of this legendary equalizer available in hardware.
The input and output are balanced at the line level. The compatibility with the 51X format allows the equalizer to operate with -/+18V tensions as on the console thanks to the regulators on the board.
The EQ81 is a stand-alone unit, but it can also be combined with the PRE81 to form a preamp+EQ channel simply by pressing the CH (channel) button
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Frequency controls: one per band, marked 30Hz - 300Hz; 200Hz - 2kHz ;
0.8 kHz -8 kHz ; 1.5 kHz - 15 kHz. Set band centre frequencies.
Boost/Cut controls: one per band, marked LOW, MID 1, MID 2, HIGH. Set band boost or cut over range +l8dB.
Low shape Button: When out, low band response is bell shaped. When in,lowband response is shelving.
Hi shape Button: when out, high band response is bell shaped. When in,high band response is shelving.
IN Button: when out , EQ is bypassed. When in, EQ is inser ted in the signal path.
CH button: Allows the equalizer to be inserted into the audio path of a PRE81 preamplifier
In the 500, 51X format, the modules must be connected with the cable supplied.
With the Labo K Effects K551X format rack this function is possible with the addition of a K551X 02-02 backplane.
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