PRE 81 DIY by Labo ★ K effects
  • PRE 81 DIY by Labo ★ K effects
  • PRE 81 DIY by Labo ★ K effects

PRE 81 DIY by Labo ★ K effects

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Replica of the NEVE 8108 console preamplifier in API 500 format (compatible with 51X  format) in DIY

The warmth of this famous preamp available in 500 format.

Mic and line inputs, HiZ Instrument input on front panel, Output volume.

High cut and low cut sweeping filters.

Complete KIT

Version: 500 Format
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Replica of the NEVE 8108 console preamplifier in API 500 format (compatible with 51X format)

The warmth of this famous preamp available in 500 format.

. The compatibility with the 51X format allows the preamp to operate with -/+18V tensions as on the console thanks to the regulators on the board.


LINE : Selects the Microphone or Line input

48 : Enables 48V power supply for condenser microphones (LED display)

PH: Reverse the phase of the signal

TRIM:  Reduces or increases the gain by +/- 10dB

MIC GAIN: selects the gain of the microphone preamplifier (20dB to 80dB)

FILTRES : Low-cut and high-cut filters with potentiometer scanning.

LEVEL:  Output volume (Fader)

INSTRUMENT:  High impedance input for instrument. Inserting a Jack plug switches the instrument input to the microphone input of the preamp via a relay.

Complete KIT

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