Lunchbox containing 2 PRE81 and 2 EQ81 (Neve8108 replicas) forming 2 channels.
The channels can be separated to have 2 preamps and 2 independent EQs.
2 DI inputs and 2 meters on front pannel.
220VAC power supply
LINE : Selects the Microphone or Line input
48 : Enables 48V power supply for condenser microphones (LED display)
PH: Reverse the phase of the signal
TRIM: Reduces or increases the gain by +/- 10dB
MIC GAIN: selects the gain of the microphone preamplifier (20dB to 80dB)
FILTRES : Low-cut and high-cut filters with potentiometer scanning.
LEVEL: Output volume (Fader)
INSTRUMENT: High impedance input for instrument. Inserting a Jack plug switches the instrument input to the microphone input of the preamp via a relay.
Frequency controls: one per band, marked 30Hz - 300Hz; 200Hz - 2kHz ;
0.8 kHz -8 kHz ; 1.5 kHz - 15 kHz. Set band centre frequencies.
Boost/Cut controls: one per band, marked LOW, MID 1, MID 2, HIGH. Set band boost or cut over range +l8dB.
Low shape Button: When out, low band response is bell shaped. When in,lowband response is shelving.
Hi shape Button: when out, high band response is bell shaped. When in,high band response is shelving.
IN Button: when out , EQ is bypassed. When in, EQ is inserted in the signal path.
CH button: Allows the equalizer to be inserted into the audio path of the preamplifier to form a channel.
Data sheet