This is the Deluxe version of the Mixbuss SSL4000 compressor. The stereo compressor has all the options/improvements of the famous GSSL compressor.
The design of the electronic boards has been completely redesigned by Labo K Effects.
The switches used are Grayhill switches known for their high quality and durability.
The frequency dosing potentiometers in passive filters such as PULTECH have been replaced by switches in order to provide accurate stereo settings.
A mixing section of the 3 available signals (Direct, post compressor, post equalizer) has been added to refine the processing result.
Truebypass of the unit
VCA compressor (Type MIX BUS SSL 4000), Pultec style EQ - stereo
EQ switchable pre / off / post compressor
Double Sidechain (Turbo)
Stereo sidechain filter (oxford double)
Parallel source mixing: direct/EQ/Compressor
Balanced XLR inputs and outputs
Internal power supply with high quality toroidal transformer
Voltage selector 110/220V
Dimensions (HxWxD): 88.4 (2U) x 483 (19") x 300 mm
Stereo Equalizer Features :
Passive EQ Pultec EQP-1A3 style
Low frequency shelf boost: 30-50-60-60-100-100-140-140-160-200 Hz
Bass increase level: 0-13db dB switchable in 10 steps
Low frequency shelf cut: 30-50-60-60-100-100-140-140-160-200 Hz
Bass attenuation level: 0-17dB switchable in 10 steps
Peak boost of high frequencies: 3-4-5-8-8-10-10-12-12-16 kHz (CINEMAG inductors)
Treble increase level: 0-18 dB switchable in 10 steps
Shelf cut high frequencies: 5-7-10-12-12-16-16-18-20 kHz
Treble attenuation level: 0-16 dB switchable in 10 steps
High quality Grayhill switches
Stereo Compressor characteristics:
Based on the Mixbus SSL compressor of the 4000 series consoles
Stereo sidechain low-cut filter: 60-90-130-200 Hz TL-TM (API mode)-EXT (external filters)-OFF
Attack: 0.1-0.3-1-1-3-3-10-30 ms
Release: 100-300-600 ms, 1.2 seconds and automatic
Ratio: 2-4-10
High quality Grayhill switches
Viewing the compression rate per vumeter
Frequency response: 20 - 40,000Hz (±1.5 dB)
Stereo mixer 3 sources:
Direct Signal
Equalizer output
Compressor output
Balanced output stage with 15dB gain
Frequency response: 20 - 40,000Hz (±1.5 dB)
Truebypass switchable by relay.
When the device is off it is in truebypass mode